People who struggle with a substance use disorder may often feel that they don’t control their actions. At least, they think they don’t have control over their urges and actions. When feeling this way, you may wonder if there is a connection between genetics and addiction. The effect of genetics on addiction has been studied, and most reputable addiction treatment professionals agree there is a connection. A history of dependency in one’s family does put an individual at higher risk. However, it doesn’t mean an individual is fated to develop a substance use disorder.
It’s important to learn the warning signs of dependency or addiction to drugs and alcohol. Recognizing these signs can help those at higher risk avoid the disease and get the treatment they need early to prevent more severe issues from arising.
If you or someone you love suffers from an addiction, seek help from a professional drug and alcohol detox center. The first step towards recovery and towards living a life free from alcohol or drugs is detox. Tides Edge Detox offers men’s and women’s rehab programs to help you take the first step.
Genetics And Addiction
Genetics refers to those things we inherit from a close family member, usually a parent. We can inherit physical traits as well as personality or mental health disorders. For example, mental health issues like bipolar disorder or anxiety disorders can have a genetic component. This means that individuals with a family history of the condition are at higher risk or higher susceptibility of getting the condition. However, it doesn’t mean that a person will certainly develop the condition due to genetics. Individuals without any family history of mental health issues or substance use disorder can develop the conditions. When they do, it doesn’t necessarily mean they will ‘pass it on to their children. As with anything involving the human body, there are many influences at work.
Substance use disorder is a mental health disorder, and studies have indicated that about 50% of people who have a substance use disorder also have a parent with addiction problems. However, when discussing genetics and addiction, we must mention how predisposition factors into this. When you are predisposed to a condition, that means that you have the potential for developing the disorder because of genetics. With some conditions, you don’t have any control over whether that condition develops or not. For example, some people may have a genetic predisposition to certain types of cancer that are not connected to their lifestyle. Therefore, they can’t control whether they get cancer or not.
Taking Control of Addiction
With substance use disorders, as is the case with other genetic conditions, you have some control. If you have a parent with a substance use disorder, you are more likely to become addicted to drugs or alcohol if you ever start using it. In a practical sense, this means that individuals with a genetic predisposition to substance abuse need to be hyperaware of using medications and substances like alcohol. It may only take a small dose or only a few times using a magnetic predisposition to develop an addiction. However, also remember that a person with a genetic predisposition may not develop a substance use disorder.
What is key to understand here is that family history or genetics increases risk and that risk needs to be at the forefront of a person’s mind when using alcohol or any drug. Even if you have a genetic predisposition to addiction and become addicted, you can still break free from it through proper treatment. Through detox and therapy, you can find your way to healing.
Find the Support Necessary at Tides Edge Detox
At Tides Edge Detox, we specialize in helping people with addictions. Whether your addiction is genetic or not, you can find relief and healing by participating in our accredited detox facility. Our team understands that addiction is a disease with both mental and physical aspects that require treatment. We use evidence-based techniques to help ease your withdrawal symptoms and several therapeutic options to help with addiction’s mental and emotional issues. Some of our therapies include:
Dedicated and compassionate staff guide you through the detox process. We offer a variety of different addiction programs, some of which include:
- Opiates addiction treatment program
- Heroin addiction treatment program
- Cocaine addiction treatment program
- Alcohol addiction treatment program
Don’t let addiction drag you down in life. Now that you know more about genetics and addiction, seek help through detox treatment at Tides Edge. Contact us at 866.723.3127, or contact us online and we’ll walk with you along the road to recovery.