Two people discuss CBT vs. DBT

CBT vs. DBT: Which is Right for You?

Mental health problems, like anxiety, depression, and addiction, often start with behavioral concerns. There are several ways to treat mental health issues, but the most effective route is one-on-one talk therapy. The techniques used when someone enters individual therapy can vary. Still, two of the most popular and effective forms of treatment include a cognitive-behavioral…

doctor talking to patient in withdrawal at the Ritalin Detox Center

Ritalin Detox Center

Abusing prescription medication is also common. Medications like Xanax, Ritalin, and Oxycodone, all prescription medications, are all highly addictive and prone to abuse. Ritalin, which is typically used to treat Attention Deficit Disorder, is a central nervous system stimulant that can lead to both physical and psychological dependency. Substance abuse, alcoholism, and addiction impact more…